Posted by Dmitry Sherman on June 22, 2010 4 comments
This small howto explains how to enable write permissions on a particular folder via the Plesk control panel which installed on a Windows machine.
First please login to your plesk panel using admin user (if you’re logging with account user please make sure that admin enable for you “Additional write/modify permissions management”).
After you loggen in, goto “Domains” (left menu), then click your domain (where your folder is located).
Later click “Files” as shown on the screenshot:
You will be redirected to your web directories list.
Click on the folder name on which you want to edit permissions, as shown below:
Next after the new page loads, click the “Directory Access Permissions”:
Now go to “Advanced” (bottom right side):
In this window you need to enable write permissions for those users:
“Plesk IIS User (IUSR_*****)”, “Plesk IIS WP User”, “Plesk Domain User”
(Please do it on all occurrences of the users).
Click on the user, scroll down and check “Write Control” under “Allow” column:
In case you want the write permissions to be auto set to child folders under this folder please check:
After you done, click “Ok”.
You should see a confirmation green message:
”Information: Directory access permissions were updated.”
Posted by Dmitry Sherman on June 15, 2010 2 comments
If you facing a problem of getting the list of files at the remote FTP server the reason might be a firewall rule restriction on a remote ftp server which cause this problem.
FTP protocol connection initiation works on well know port TCP 21, the FTP data transfer works on port TCP 20. FTP has two modes of data transfer: active and passive.
The default setting in FlashFXP client is “use passive mode” which tries to initiate a connection to a high random port on the FTP server but if the remote FTP server has a “Basic” (non-connection inspection) firewall those high ports (>1024) are blocked.
In such condition your ftp client tries to retrieve the files list but stuck in a timeout and this cause the problem. You cannot see the files and cannot send or receive any files from the ftp server.
But if we switch the connection mode to “active”, the ftp server will initiate the connection by himself to our client’s data port, so we have a workaround to our problem.
This is how we set it in FlashFXP client:
1. Open FlashFXP client.
2. Hit F8 to bring the “quick connection” window up.
3. Goto the “Toggles” tab.
4. Unset the “use passive mode” and hit connect